Arab Muslim’s have every right to exist and be free from persecution in their beliefs and customs. As do Christians. However, The Muslim extremists such as Hamas and their sympathizers must be put down like the rabid dog’s that they are, always.
Unfortunately, these Muslim extremist cowards hide behind God’s innocents as a protective shield while attacking Christians and Jews. As such, many of those not involved in extremist belief are caught in conflict and lose their lives. It’s a disgustingly abhorrent situation that is unavoidable. There is absolutely no reason that Muslims and Christians cannot co-exist peacefully today despite their differences of religion. Some 2.4B Christians and 1.9B Muslims live in and amongst each other all over the world.
There has never been an Arab State, Palestinian State, Muslim State or any other state, in the geographic area known as Palestine, that was not Jewish. Godspeed to the Jewish people in putting down this cancer. It is time for Gaza and the West Bank to be re-joined with Israel. I’m sure it will be inclusive of Arab Muslims that wish to live there. If they choose not to live there, they may always visit from the various neighboring Arab states. Long live and may God bless Israel.