This post evolves throughout the month. Check back if you want. -m
- I am not paid for my recommendations. -m
Privacy is a right you should fight for. Swiss based Proton is the very finest in privacy protection.
Protected by default and backed by the strict courts of Switzerland, Proton offers as close to military grade privacy and security as you can get.
I made the ditch of Google, Microsoft, Fakebook and others a few years ago. At the time, I felt that if I could go back to the secure server networks that I loved from the 90’s and early 2000’s that I would be much happier knowing that my privacy and freedom would be better protected from corporate piracy. I have not regretted my choices.
The addiction of convenience is deadly. And “free” is neither free nor freedom. A “free” internet requires no Terms of Use, Privacy Policy or the consent to Cookies. These acceptance offers are nothing more than portals to steal information and data from you. They also protect the corporations from any liability of your usage or future fallout from the theft of your privacy.
Freedom and privacy on the internet requires the user to be in total control of their data and information. And, totally responsible for choices and outcomes of choice when surfing the web. In other words, being online is on you. It’s a lot to take in I know. Just know that there are people and companies that can honestly help you break free from the tyranny.
A really great place to start is with Proton. Remove your email from the systems of the tech giants. It takes about a year to successfully migrate your email over to Proton because you have to do it methodically. If you are like me, you have hundreds of emails that you do not want to lose and hundreds more that you want to clean out of your life. I suggest you take the slow and steady road. Don’t let them follow you. Take six months to a year and migrate over patiently.
I started with email. And I use all Proton products. They have earned my trust. Hint - their VPN is a must use as well.
Please don’t take my word for it. Go to their site and read everything about their products, services and background. I only want to make a difference. All the love!-m
White House “Tranny” accused of sexual assault of at least 5. -Real Shocker!
Doctor indicted by DOJ for blowing whistle on trans procedures.
Learn how to fight it. -Also from NATO - You can’t make this shit up!-m
perseverance /pûr″sə-vîr′əns/
Steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness.
The Calvinistic doctrine that those who have been chosen by God will continue in a state of grace to the end and will finally be saved.
The act of persevering; persistence in anything undertaken; continued pursuit or prosecution of any business, or enterprise begun.
Unified School District of Los Angeles bans social media and cell phones.
City of Seattle recruiting illegal immigrants for police force.
Delete your Tik Tok app. I double dog dare ya! -m
Again, I am not paid for my recommendations. ^ -m (But I do love Mad Magazine!)
I am currently in the process of quitting Amazon. It was the forced commercials and previews that finally pushed me over the edge.
I’ve known for a long time that Jeff Bezos is a spineless narcissistic little twat, but all that cheap Chinese garbage and the free shipping kept me locked in. It was very “convenient” during the plandemic, but I have since realized that I can shop direct to manufacturer for not much more money and I can wait a little longer to get it. This has allowed me to pick the companies that I want to support and freed me from the pillage of information and harassment associated with Amazon. Shopping online is much more fun now and it is liberating! It has made me more decerning of where and how I spend. I no longer spend hours scrolling for deals and looking up useless “wants”. Now, if I have a need, I Swisscows it and purchase in minutes. On to better things.
Please consider dumping Amazon for personal and business needs. There are so many more healthy and private ways to conduct yourself. All the love! -m