Deadpool and Wolverine slash the socialist agenda at the box office.
Just in time AGAIN for the elections, decreased fuel prices.
As of now, appeals court allows non-citizen voting in Arizona.
Say goodbye to “For All Debts Public and PRIVATE”. Say hello to CBDC control.
Hewlett Packard Enterprises stock may rise with the acqusition of Juniper Networks.
XY vs. XX Insanity - Women are being hurt. We need Trans sports.
There are indicators that the U.S. is on the brink of conflict and dissolution.
Consideration - (I am not paid for my recommendations) ;-)
One of the best things in life is a great bottle of beer or glass of wine. It can be difficult and frustrating these days to find a beer or wine that suits your pallate. When you do find one, it is like winning a mini lottery. Your acceptable list grows and your wallet shrinks.
Among the multitudes of choices out there for us all to consider, I would like to share a couple of my favorites.
Crafted in the mid 80’s and known to be one of the original American craft beers, Red Hook ESB is a classic. Brewed in the Pacific Northwest, and true to the British ESB style, this beer is surprisingly refreshing and not bitter by any stretch. My first five Red Hook ESB beers were consumed in 1990 on a warm summer day along the shores of Lake Union in Seattle. The caramel, citric spice paired very well with the plate of chilled, raw oysters and smoked salmon that I had ordered. It is still a pairing that I adhere to today. Give it a try sometime. Bottles taste better!
From some of the oldest Columbia Valley vines in Washington state comes a once in a liftime wine. Meet Dionysus. She’s a very respectable red blend of Cab Sauv, Merlot and Cab Franc with notes of cedar, maple and blackberry that dance on your tongue. Her birth from an extended period within French oak barrels makes her extremely soft and warm. She is truely a goddess that aims to please.
If you are using the Firefox web browser, this add-on is a MUST.
Climate change is real. The carbon fear is not. Learn to adapt.
Why are you still using Google? Convenience is the answer. Convenience is killing your privacy and compromising the security of everything you do. Why would you place your most important data on the Google cloud? What is it that compels you to use GMail or any of their apps? You are aware that Google services have mined your data? They know everything about you. That’s why Google exists.
What do you have to hide? That’s a smug, bullshit question that small brained humans use to intimidate and belittle others. People that answer “nothing”, are liars.
My answer to that question is an emphatic, “It’s none of your business”. And, since Google has made it their business to break peoples privacy every day, I told them that I “was none of their business” years ago.
The path back to privacy and security is pretty arduous compared to the simplicity to giving yourself freely to the Technocrats. It’s not for the complacent or the lazy. It takes time and persistence. Migrating from Gmail in a secure manner took me about three months. And, I am so happy that I did. Hint - Don’t use any migration tool. Do it the old school way. Buy your own domain, pay for an encrypted private host and change your email address. Over time, any sender you want to keep will migrate over as a natural progression. The rest will fall off.
I can’t say it enough. Please quit using Google for anything. Your continued support of Google is fueling the destruction of freedom and privacy worldwide. Please check out the services below for alternatives to Technocracy. Again, I am not paid for my recommendations.
Proton Libre Office Swisscows Infomaniak Linux
Also learn about the 5-Eyes, 9-Eyes, and 14-Eyes alliance agreements between nations > cybernews resource
Question: When and where are the debates between Trump and Harris?
Question: To support Israel or Iran?
You will be fed the information you should know and not allowed to see the information that you should. - It’s not just in the U.S.
Those that love succeed more often than not. Those that hate find failure a common occurance. -m
German government lied about covid shots. - Real shocker -m
The white race is a cancer on human history?
Roast House makes amazin’ coffee! I am not a paid spokesman, just a fan. Give them a try sometime.