This could, seriously, be the best tea company on the planet!
My personal faovrite is the Tropical Green and I am not paid for my recommendations. -m
The astronomical cost rise to average Americans due to government regulation is real. - Fascism is a Uni-Party reality -m
U.S. Greenlights western weapons to be used to strike inland Russia.
2.5 Years, $7.5B in your money has built 8 EV chargers. - WTF? -m

U.S. - At current consumption rate, centuries of oil left. - The earth makes oil.
Woke Pope says world at a breaking point because of climate change.
- I’m a Catholic, and this POS is a disgrace to the robe.SpaceX getting closer to the moon!
Keep an eye on vax induced Prion Disease. Beware of an increase. No cure.
“Never be afriad to be terrified".” - Paul Erling Johnson
Importing Gaza refugees would be a national security disaster, say experts.
Protect your online privacy. Take The Power Back! -m
PNY Portable Cloud SSD
Anyone using cloud based services out on the internet for storing their data is allowing it to be accessed by third-party entities or individuals regardless of any disclaimer or privacy policy.
IT professionals never store private information on cloud servers. We use our own personal clouds that we can keep close at hand and secure from big tech convenience and other predatory existents.
I have used PNY pocket drives for over ten years. I use one primary for daily saves and two for backups of the primary device. Those backups are performed on weekends once a week and the backup devices stored one in my desk drawer and one in my fireproof safe. I have over 25 years of my data saved to these types of drives that are housed offsite at a climate controlled, secure facility.
What is it that I have to hide? That isn’t the point. The point is that it is none of your business.
Most of us are paralyzed by convenience. I implore you to build better habits and move away from slavery by convenience.
Pick yourself up a couple of these drives and start living free today!
I am not paid for my recommendations. -m
PNY Portable Cloud SSD
Google anti-trust trial will change how we use the internet.
We really must start paying more attention to our space weather.
Pro Palestinian protesters funded by Joe Biden’s biggest donors.
“There is no such thing as disinformation or misinformation. Only information.”
Google is busy paying off large companies for search superiority. -Please stop using Google. -m
Garbage Rag NYT begins to turn on “Safe and Effective” vax narrative.
Will freedom survive America’s Marxist revolt. -We could soon become the USSA. -m